
obsessedquant uses data for probability based decision-making to solve problems.

Building analytical frameworks, programming data collection, data cleansing automation, and providing comprehensive data visualizations.  

Good analysis tells a story that is easily understood and uncovers relationships within the data that are too complex to describe with words.

Click on any example projects below to see further details.


New York Citibike Analysis

Analysis was conducted for Citi Bike use for the 2013 to 2021 time period.

by county

Better Census Bureau - County

Census data analysis for the United States by county.

Socioeconomic, Household Composition & Disability, Minority Status & Language, Housing Type & Transportation, and Overall Rankings were considered and mapped.

by state

Better Census Bureau - States

Census data analysis for the United States by state.

latitude versus temperature

Weather Analysis

Analyzed relationship between various weather phenomena and the earth's latitude.

stock screener

Stock Screener

Data can be automatically pulled, cleaned, and calculated providing customized screens that cannot be found anywhere else online.

by state

Belly Button Biodiversity

Analysis of belly button bacteria because... we can.

Data from the Belly Button Biodiversity project was used to build this data visualization.

economic indicators

Economic Indicators

Various economic indicators analyzed and visualized with the aim of identifying market shifts for portfolio risk management.

machine learning

Machine Learning

Supervised, Unsupervised, and Deep Learning Machine Learning methods applied. This is an ongoing project, iterating through the various methods to improve model predictions.